Customizing Your Out-of-the-Box Google Analytics 4 Reports
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Google Analytics 4 now allows you to customize the out-of-the-box reports. This is different from the Universal Analytics version of Google Analytics where the report navigation and the out-of-the-box reports are static.
Of course, you can create custom reports in Universal Analytics but Google Analytics 4 actually allows you to customize the report structure in the Google Analytics 4 interface. This is separate from the exploration reports, where you can create custom reports for social media traffic or reports for downloads, in Google Analytics 4.
You can customize any report except for the real-time report.
In order to customize reports in Google Analytics 4, you need edit access. If you see the writing utensil icon or a link for Library in the bottom left of the report navigation, you’re good to go.
Tracking Events Using the Universal Analytics Version of Google Analytics
Tracking events for Universal Analytics involves setting values for the event variables–event category, event action, and event label. Google Analytics 4 does give you more flexibility by allowing you to track up to 25 event parameters with each event.
You can track more event data using event parameters to provide more context to the tracked events.
Google Analytics 4 Report Library
At the top of the report hierarchy, you have collections with topics beneath collections.
There are a couple rules for customizing Google Analytics 4 reports.
- Each property can have up to 200 reports.
- A collection can have up to 5 topics.
- Each topic can only have one overview report and up to 10 detail reports.
You can create reports from scratch or use a report template.
The report template is a linked report that automatically receives Google updates, i.e., if Google adds an element like a dimension to a report, then all reports linked will receive the update. This doesn’t impact cards that you or another property admin have added or removed.
Note that all users will be able to see the changes that you make to the report.
Customizing The Google Analytics 4 Overview Reports
Each collection can have only one overview report. The overview report serves as a summary report for a collection.
To build an overview report, you will add summary cards created from detail reports. There’s a gallery from which you can pick cards or you can create your own cards in detail reports.
There are 60 cards readily available out of the box.
Instead of browsing through each card option available, the search bar is your best friend. You can search by card/visualization type, by dimension, or by metric.
Any overview report can be used as the Google Analytics 4 report snapshot, which is kind of like your homepage for Google Analytics 4.
Google Analytics 4 Report Snapshot
Customizing The Google Analytics 4 Detail Reports
In the detail report builder, there are four sections:
- Report Data
- Charts
- Report Template
- Summary Cards
Google Analytics 4 Detail Report Builder
The Report Data section is for you to define dimensions and metrics.
You can choose the type of visualization you want to use in the Chart section.
The Report Template section indicates the template that you’re using.
In the Summary Cards section, you can create cards that serve as a summary for your detail report. These can be used in overview reports.
Designing & Planning Your Google Analytics 4 Reports Customization
There’s a lot here, and it can be overwhelming. Approach these custom reports with an idea of what you want.
Plan and mock-up your reports and dashboards. Think about your organizational objectives and what’s important to your website or web property.
This will help guide you how to design your dashboards and reports.
If you’re looking for Google Analytics support, take a look at the help available at Fiverr.
AUTHOR: Isaiah Stone
Isaiah Stone is a digital analyst in the consumer goods industry. He is fascinated with productivity, business growth, and accomplishing more.